Sunday, November 23, 2014

Literacy with an attitude


     "A principle was reported to have said to a new teacher 'just do your best. If they learn to add and subtract, that's a bonus. If not don't worry about it"(11).
     Because of principles like this one students are failing in schools. If principles tell teachers to not worry about their students education then the principles themselves don't care about their students education. It seems as if the only thing they care about id the check they get at the end of the week, and that's not fair to the students. I think that principles, teachers, and  the school faculty should encourage their students to care about their education not put them down. Teachers need to show students that they care about their education and not just the nice pay check they get. Students need some type of motivation.

     "In the middle class about one third of the teachers grew up in the neighborhood of the school. Most graduated from the local state teachers college, and many of them lived in the neighborhood of the school"(12).
     I think that teachers living in the same neighborhood as their students should help them connect with the students. It might help teachers understand their students more, it can help them understand their students life style. Teachers can use this as an advantage because they can try to find a way to teach their students and make them be interested in school and their education. If teachers don't show that they are interested then their students won't be interested either.

     " Teachers In the middle class school seemed to believe that their job was to teach the knowledge found in textbooks or dictated by curriculum experts"(12-13).
     I really dislike this teaching method. I don't think that this will help the students at all. This teaching method just makes students not want to learn because it's so boring. I know that this is boring from my own experience because this is what most of my high school teachers did and I honestly can say that I didn't learn much. I think that teachers should at least teach from the textbooks but make it fun in a way.  

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