Sunday, November 2, 2014

In the service of what? By Kahne and Westheimer

While I was reading this article I started thinking about all the times I have done community service. Ever since I was little my parents and I would do many things to help others. In church every year for thanksgiving and Christmas we would collect can foods, juice boxes and cookies and we would put them in boxes and give a big box to the families in our church who were of low income and were in need of extra help. One of the things that I love the most about helping people is the big smile I get in return. I think that it's important to help those in our community because it not only makes us feel better but it also makes other people happy and it gives them hope and lets them know that their are still good people out their that care.

Last year I did something I really loved and that was teaching english to children who come from other countries who only speak Spanish. I taught this class for 3 months in Scalabrini Dukcevich center. I had about 5 students who had just came from Guatemala and El Salvador 2 weeks before class  started. They didn't know any english, and I was asked to teach them  basic english because they were going to start school soon. This was such a wonderful experience because I got to help these kids, in 3 months they didn't know perfect english but they knew the basics. They told me they were so happy because they didn't feel so left out in school because at the end they were able to understand what the teacher would tell them. I really liked doing this I think I am going to this again in the summers, I like knowing that by helping others or doing something for someone else it has an impact in their lives.

 The link below is the page for Scalabrini Dukcevich where I do most of my community service.

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