Sunday, November 23, 2014

Citizenship in school: Reconceptualizing Down syndrome by Kliewer

     "Now we know that people with disabilities can learn and have a full rich life. The challenge is to erase negative attitudes about people with developmental disabilities"(71).
     I think that their is a lot of negative attitudes towards people who have developmental disabilities but I think that this has to do with the fact that many people don't even bother finding out information regarding the disabilities. People just chose to ignore these people that have disabilities, and they see them different. Many people believe that people with disabilities are not capable of doing anything and this is not true. I think that people need to stop being so ignorant.

     "If you came into the room and were told there was a retarded child with special needs, I don't think you would pick Lee out. The kids agree that he's as capable as they are"(83).
     Many of the times people believe that they would be able to point out someone who has disabilities becausetxhey look different then us. What they don't know is that sometimes you can't tell and you wouldn't be able to tell unless someone told you the person has a dissability. Many of these people are very bright and they look just like us, they are able to do most of the things that we can do.

    "According to shayne, the notion of Down syndrome often obscures our ability to recognize the child as a child"(86).
    I think that this is true , many people have a hard time seeing a child as a child when they know that he or she has Down syndrome this is sad but it's true. I think this has to do with the fact that we automatically feel pitty for the child , and we just see the child as someone who has a disability that we automatically forget that he is a child not just a disabled child.

The link below is a video of  girl with Down syndrome explaining teachers to not limit students with disabilities.  I liked this videos because it really shows how people with Down syndrome can be succesfull too.

I really loved this video it's informational and it shows how people with Down syndrome are able to do some of the things we do I this this video also helps us understand people with Down syndrome.

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